Friday, 31 July 2009


I had a hard time of feeding water to both of my children. My baby girl didn't drink water partly because of my fault. I feed her only breast milk for a good 5 months. After that, I started to feed her water but she refused to drink even till now. According to expert, you are not supposed to feed your baby water when you breastfeed them exclusively. We use syringe, spoon, or bottle to feed her water. She is stubborn and hardly drink. She has no problem to pass motion because I still breastfeed her at night.

My poor son is having problem to pass motion. It's getting worse when he didn't pass motion for a consecutive 4 days. We're damn worried. He refused to drink water ever since we change the bottle nipple after it was spoilt. He will only listen to my husband and drink water at night. His stool was so hard and sometimes got blood. Headache:( How can I feed them water??

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