Wednesday 30 January 2008


“Car seats are not ideal places for safe infant sleep in the home. “A Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths spokeswoman

“Car seats should only be used for travel and that should be minimized. “Dr Robert Dinwiddie, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London

Baby car seat “cot death” has raised concern among the mothers as it is a legal requirement for children travelling in a car to use a car seat. The problems arise because the reflexes which keep the babies head upright and their breathing normal are still not full developed.

I still believe that human car seat is safer especially for long journey. I will be my ah bi's car seat for this coming CNY balik kampung trip.


WSL said...

happy new year. hold tight ah mummy. i am still wondering how you ended up with that conclusion of the car seat thingy.

小洋 said...

When babies are in a car seat, they can't keep their head upright. This will make them difficult to breath.