Tuesday, 3 March 2009


My FIL had helped me a lot during my second month after delivery. He had boiled fish soup and cooked ginger wine chicken mee suah for my son and me. He had never cook in his life. Wow, I must be blessed. Non of Au's family members have been tasted his cooking. What a precious treats!

Unfortunately, my son took advantage of his kindness and bullied him. He was extremely cared for him knowing that he is the only grandchild in the family. He injured his backbone when my son threw his tantrum.

Luckily my mom came down to help. Then, he went back to Cheras again.

Now that my mom is going to leave soon. Still struggling if I wanted to hire a maid or send them to babysitters. Check out a babysitter. Not so good. She is smoking. Smelled cigarette in the toilet. Hiring maid. Lots of horror stories in the papers.

Baby Sitter OR FIL+MAID????? :(

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