Friday, 7 November 2008

Disco Fever

I had recently indulged in my new habit - dancing with shaking my head wildly. My aunty was so enterntained and laughed hilariously when I shaked my heads listening to the disco songs. My parents weren't v happy with that as they didn't want me to turn into a disco kaki. They tried to warn those who have taught me this bad habit. :(

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


I threw out milk on Sunday morning when the phlegm stucked in my throat. Then, my mom sent me to Sri Sinar PD who gave me few medicine. Unfortunately, the medicine is extremely bitter which made me threw out and spit. My parents had tried several ways to mix it with other sweet syrup, I still threw out. At the end, they gave out on the medicine.

I was seeing another doctor who asked me to suck gas to clear the phelgm. Terrible experience. I cried non-stop. My parents' heart wrecked. Hmmm..... Today I may need to go again :(